Are you committed to grow your top line faster?
Imagine if you had your own Growth Playbook
that adds points to your current growth rate?
This is what our clients have achieved with us.
Blue Dots transforms the growth trajectory
for mid-market businesses.
  • Growth Experts
  • Unique Methodology
  • Proven Results
Blue Dots transforms the growth trajectory
for mid-market businesses.
+38.7%upliftachieved by our customers


Traditional responses to low revenue growth are not effective.

Common tactics may treat symptoms but ignore the disease. That’s because they are based on emotions and intuition rather than data.

We are different. We have lived the growth challenge complexity and invented a new methodology to cut the Gordian growth knot and deliver sustained growth.

We call it A4 Precision Alignment™

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We hired Blue Dots twice. We have been growing at record growth rates since then.

Jack Welde

CEO of Smartling, Inc.

Blue Dots helped us grow the business and successfully sell Nearsoft.

Roberto Martinez

CEO of Nearsoft


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Blue Dots's objective and data-driven advice helped us make some strategic decision that positively impacted the growth of our business.

Marco Landi

President of The Digital Box

I was impressed by Blue Dots's rigorous data-driven and honest approach. Their work helped us better understand segmentation across various user clusters.

Gabriele Ottino

CEO of Doodle AG

We help CEOs of technology and services companies with at least $10 million in revenue grow their top-line faster. For that, we:

  1. Determine the root cause of slow growth via unique tools and exhaustive analysis of relevant business data.
  2. Build your Growth Playbook that attacks your specific growth inhibitors.
  3. Augment your team: provide leaders who can drive the implementation of your unique Growth Playbook


Three reasons to engage with us:

  1. We are accomplished business leaders and experts on revenue growth

  2. Our uniquely effective approach

  3. Because we deliver

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The Blue Dots team delivered a concrete, actionable and pragmatic set of recommendations that were very much helpful to me.

Alain Harrus

CEO of Kateeva, Inc.

Blue Dots was instrumental in better positioning our offering and articulating our messaging.

Swamy Viswanathan

Chief Product Officer of ASG Technologies, Inc.


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I highly recommend them to any CEO who is committed to accelerating revenue growth.

Peter Petas

CEO of CreditSights, Inc.

Blue Dots' s work has produced some real positive impact on our entire sales approach and as a result, we have observed tremendous traction.

Nicolas Stehle

CEO of Scalefast, Inc.

Because it works: we have accelerated growth for a variety of companies across industries, stages and geographies.

On average, our clients uplifted their growth rate by:

+ 0%

Don't take our word for it, take a look at our work and what clients have to say:


Are you ready to grow your top-line?

If you are a CEO, GM of a Business Unit, or responsible for a P&L with at least $10 million in revenue, take ten minutes to answer 12 questions. You will receive a free, customized and confidential report that will show your BAS (Business Alignment Score™) and that identifies major gaps and growth drivers.

Getting your business aligned, both externally and internally, is the only way to realize your growth potential.

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Blue Dots helped with the execution and as a result helped generate a more cost-effective and significant revenue stream.

David Stewart

CEO of 1StopMove, Inc.

The A4 Precision Alignment™ framework is really well done. The Blue Dots Partners were knowledgeable, creative, and...

Andy Duncan

CEO of Boardwalktech, Inc.


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Blue Dots helped us with our go-to-market strategy and sales process and helped us improve our lead prosecution and sales process.

Michael Barrett

Co-founder and former CEO of Cequence Security, Inc.

May 2019

Newton – A perfect A2 misalignment for Apple

Apple does not always get it right. Here is an illustration of a disastrous…

May 2019

Three questions on revenue growth to Greg Schott, former CEO and Chairman of MuleSoft

Philippe sat down with Greg from the top floor of the beautiful Salesforce tower in San Francisco…

Mar 2019

How companies lose alignment

Companies lose their alignment along two different scenarios: unforced and forced…

We rewrote the book on growth, literally

Our book Aligning the Dots describes in detail how our data-driven methodology works. It showcases some of the uniquely revealing tools that we have developed and includes 20 case studies that illustrate the power of our new approach.

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Engaging, profound and thought-provoking! Philippe Bouissou is so passionate about relating strategy to growth to execution.


CEO of Logitech

A captivating read introducing new principles for successfully growing any company.


Founder and former CEO of Crate and Barrel

Transformative and brilliantly constructed. Aligning the Dots is an extraordinary journey into the world of top-line growth.


Board member at Verizon and Nordstrom, former CEO of MetricStream

Truly worth reading and applying!


Executive Chairman and former CEO of Best Buy

Very insightful and pragmatic book by Dr. Bouissou.


CEO of Cadence Design Systems, Chairman of Walden International

To be read and applied by any CEO, General Manager or business owner.


Founder and CEO of C4 Ventures, former General Manager of Apple Europe

The unconventional concepts in this book will show you how to align your company and achieve unprecedented growth.


Founder of Webb Investment Network, board member at Salesforce and Visa, former Chairman of Yahoo

Aligning the Dots is the playbook you need to spark revenue growth right now—and well into the future.


The Leadership Guy, Inc. Magazine

It’s the rare book that combines a comprehensive science of how business works with dozens of practical tips that any leader can apply.


Co-author of Blitzscaling

Aligning the Dots makes you think differently and that makes it powerful.


Former CEO of Atari and Chuck E Cheese

Aligning the Dots is essential for CEOs to grow their business.


Managing Partner, Greatpoint Ventures, former President, Oracle Corporation

I totally connected with the content of the book. It is truly an inspiring read for all who are motivated to grow their business.


Founder of Fab Ventures, former CEO and President, Lancôme International (L’Oréal)

I would advise any business leader, CEO, entrepreneur, business owner, board member or investor to read it and learn from it.


President and CEO of Central Pacific Bank, former Chairman and CEO of Silicon Valley Bank

An insightful and valuable read!


Board member at ServiceNow, Symantec, Pure Storage and ThoughtWorks

Are you ready to grow your top-line?

What do you do to outpace the market and grow faster than your competitors? Aligning the Dots provides a clear answer to that deceptively simple question. It introduces a new paradigm. It’s our universal, data-driven, and prescriptive methodology, called A4 Precision Alignment, designed to accelerate any business.


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As a result of Blue Dots's work, our growth rate significantly improved the year following and continues to do so today.

Augusto Cavalcanti

CEO of Daitan Group

We’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to us via email.

You can also sign up for our monthly Blue Dots Partners newsletter below:

The Alignment Zone TV series episodes


The big insight

During our careers leading, advising, and growing dozens of companies, we discovered a fundamental insight. We realized that:

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The optimal growth rate of a company can only be achieved when the company is perfectly aligned with its market.

When a company becomes misaligned with its market, friction is introduced, which negatively affects business momentum. The business machinery and the gears start to slow down. Market share erodes. Customers are not buying at the same rate, are not as excited about the product and are not consuming at the same pace, because something, somewhere, got misaligned.

This insight lies at the heart of why and how companies succeed. The questions now become: How do you realize the perfect alignment?

The A4 Precision Alignment™ framework is a new way to approach, measure and correct misalignments between any business and its affinity market. External alignment is based on the four axes, dubbed A1, A2, A3 and A4, and eight dots. The two sides of each of these axes, represented by two dots, have to be perfectly aligned in order to maximize the growth rate of the compa

Alignment Axes
Double Arrows
Real painkiller
Double Arrows
Compelling Story
Double Arrows
Frictionless transaction
Double Arrows
Insane delight

Four axes of alignment

Measuring alignment

This new paradigm has been successfully tested and applied bymany CEOs, general managers and business owners to an array ofchallenges in multiple industries, resulting in significant quarterlyand yearly revenue growth. Some simply wanted to maintain theirrevenue momentum; others were suffering from aggressivecompetition and were forced to cross the growth chasm. Somewere missing their sales plans; others had experienced aflattening top line and were chasing the next S-curve in the hopesof reigniting their growth engine.

The power of this transformative approach is in the fact that alignment along each of these four axes can be accurately measured on a scale from zero to five by a simple yet comprehensive methodology that illuminates the path of growth. This is done by capturing, measuring and analyzing mismatches between the prospect or customer’s view and the company’s own view, using the tools and techniques described in this book. The four measurements become the construct of a web diagram that looks like this:

Measuring Alignments

The Business Alignment Score™ (BAS) describes how well the business is aligned with its market. A perfect alignment would be scoring at 100%.

Developing the Growth Playbook

These measurements reveal unique insights into areas of weakness that are the cause of misalignments and are responsible for slowing top line growth. These insights form the basis for developing a Growth Playbook, which is a concrete plan of action for the CEO and the management team. It provides a roadmap, a set of executable actions, all defined within the Feasibility Envelope.

One of the key advantages of the A4 approach is that the four axes are independent from each other, meaning that one can take action to realign one axis without introducing misalignment on any of the other three axes.

In order to execute the Growth Playbook, the organization must be aligned as well. Internal alignment is a different challenge that is addressed first by solid leadership that establishes and enforces a strong culture and second by a mission, a cause, a set of beliefs and inalterable convictions that define why a company does what it does beyond just creating value for its shareholders or making money.

The A4 Precision Alignment™ methodology is a new lens through which the challenge of revenue growth and relevant actions can be brought into focus. It demonstrates how the complex puzzle of alignment, which often eludes even the most experienced management teams, is solved by developing a clear blueprint, so that everyone knows what to do on Monday morning when the clock chimes eight.


Select one of the case studies:

Alignment Axes
Double Arrows
Double Arrows
Double Arrows
Double Arrows


Playbook and Result


Client was an international B2B software company with a recurring SaaS business model, losing revenue momentum.

Data analysis

Reviewed key business metrics, studied 84 months of invoicing history, defined a relevant customer segmentation framework and applied our Engagement Triangle tool


Realized that the pace of new client acquisition was good, but there was no real growth in average monthly bookings and a devastating churn rate with 70% of customers lost in seven years, representing 57% of total billing. We conducted a series of lost customer interviews and realized that Pain and Claim were misaligned for certain customer segments. We then found out that lost customers had some common attributes—a signature. We designated them the Red customers and used the signature to characterize them.

Growth Playbook

We studied the current pipeline and realized that 40% of the prospects in the pipeline carried the same Red signature. We took these prospects out of the pipeline and asked the sales team to stop selling to them. Conversely, we were able to define a different set of characteristics for the Green customers, the ones who were loyal over a long period of time and had a much better Pain ↔ Claim alignment. We used that insight to redefine the Green prospects. We instructed the lead generation team to qualify only leads with the Green signature to provide the salesforce with a much better pipeline of highly qualified prospects


In Q1 2016, we implemented a detailed lead generation program exclusively focused on Green prospects, with rigorous pipeline management. That year the company delivered its best year ever in its 14-year history. During the two following years, the company generated record revenue, with much higher morale in the lead generation and sales teams


Playbook and Result


Company was selling outsourced low-cost leads for the banking industry.

Data analysis

Analyzed a broad array of business data: financials, customers touchpoints, competitive metrics. We interviewed 75 customers and developed a MECE competition segmentation of all customers.


We discovered that the problem was a misalignment between the Perception and Message. It turned out that the value proposition was not inexpensive leads, but the speed and volume at which quality leads were delivered. In other words, it was not lower cost, it was faster speed.

Growth Playbook

We retooled the message around a new expression of the Claim centered on sales acceleration, not lower cost. We built a brand architecture pyramid with the company logo on the top, and various layers going down the pyramid: the company name, the brand essence, the positioning, the brand personality and the foundation or base—the reasons to believe in the brand. Based on this brand strategy, we developed new marketing and sales support material, and launched a new website with customer testimonial videos


The lead-to-sale time was improved by 52% for our Client, with the new disciplined sales culture that we fostered. The company achieved its best results the second quarter after implementation and was closing multiple six-digit deals in less than three quarters. The new value perception spurred an 18% increase in revenue, since the new time-to-market claim had a much higher resonance with prospects


Playbook and Result


Company was selling a popular service to 12 million consumers over the Web through three large partners.

Data analysis

Analyzed key business attributes driving customer acquisition via these indirect channels. We mapped the competitive landscape, precisely measured the customer acquisition cost at an average of $48.06, established a new customer segmentation and evaluated an alternative partner ecosystem that would yield a 23% conversion rate.


We learned that the largest partner threatened to pull the plug on the entire market, which would have triggered a stunning loss of 55% of annual revenue. That partner indeed stopped its activity in the space just a year later. We needed to act fast as we anticipated the dramatic shift.

Growth Playbook

We decided to sell via new channel partners with complementary services targeting the same end prospects. We recrafted the value proposition to accommodate this new channel strategy with a redefined product offering supported by flexible fee-based packages. We built a new partner-driven business model to generate a five-times-per-customer revenue increase


We reversed a looming loss of 55% of the top-line revenue to a 16% growth. The company generated additional revenue of $32.5 million based on the new business model. Consequently, the company strengthened its category leadership position, yielding significant shareholder value creation


Playbook and Result


Enterprise software company suffering a substantial revenue growth decline that started in 2012.

Data analysis

Conducted 90 current and past customer interviews, ran deep analysis of the customer retention cycle and evaluated the level of perceived delight through the entire product consumption.


A careful analysis of the interviews revealed that the expected delight versus what the customers received was grossly misaligned. We also realized the company wasn’t focusing on managing and growing revenue within the existing customer base. Sales compensation was rewarding hunters, not farmers, and revenue growth suffered because of the loss of too many unhappy customers that were discovered too late.

Growth Playbook

We developed an early-warning system based on behavior signals that predicted a calculated probability of churn. We crafted and implemented an action plan for high-risk customers as well as structured account planning and retention programs. We aligned sales compensation to support a “no churn” policy and established metrics for installed based growth.


After implementation, customer retention was the highest ever in the history of the company, with almost no churn during the two years following execution of the new program. Within 90 days, installed based revenue grew 35% quarter- over-quarter by focusing on existing customers’ needs and opportunities. The fundamental issue was lack of care, not so much the product offering. By changing the expectation, the results were substantial. It would have been a lot harder, in terms of timing and costs, to change the product.


Blue Dots has assembled a team of accomplished business leaders and experts on revenue growth.


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Philippe Bouissou, Ph.D.
Managing Partner

Philippe has spent three decades in Silicon Valley as an entrepreneur, CEO, venture capitalist and management consultant. He is co-founder and Managing Partner at Blue Dots Partners LLC. Philippe has spent three decades in Silicon Valley as an entrepreneur, CEO, venture capitalist and management consultant. He is co-founder and Managing Partner at Blue Dots Partners LLC. Philippe has spent three decades in Silicon Valley as an entrepreneur, CEO, venture capitalist and management consultant. He is co-founder and Managing Partner at Blue Dots Partners LLC

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John Orcutt
Managing Partner

John has led Silicon Valley technology start-ups and business units in major corporations for 30 years. John has been CEO of three software start-ups. He is co-founder and Managing Partner at Blue Dots Partners LLC.

Consulting Partners

For each project, Blue Dots draws from its deep bench of successful operating executives highly experienced in the domains, markets, and functions most relevant to the engagement

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Patricia Damien

Patricia is Blue Dots’ Chief Financial Officer. She is charged of managing all aspects related to finance, tax and HR matters.

Prior to joining Blue Dots, Patricia was Finance Director at evenVoice, Inc., a startup dedicated to giving consumers simple, convenient ways to instantly voice their opinions about any brand, whenever they’re delighted or annoyed by the brand’s products or services. Prior to evenVoice, Patricia was Finance Director for the Milestone Group, a management consulting company firm serving over 220 Clients.

Patricia has over fifteen years of administrative and finance experience. She began her career as an executive assistant for various French and International companies including Lagardère Group and SECOFI. In 1990, Patricia ran key advertising accounts for Papaye, a fully owned subsidiary of BDDP Group, a large French advertising agency, which is now part of Omnicom Group.

Patricia studied accounting at McGill University and Foothill College. She is also a certified pediatric nurse.

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Johannes Hoech
Project Partner

Johannes is a C-level Silicon Valley executive experienced in “Growth Architecting,” i.e. all aspects of state-of-the-art pipeline generation and revenue management. Expert analyst and motivational leader with strong skills in general management, strategy, product management, and customer success, as well. 25+ years of experience leading technology startups through early stage, high growth, and turnaround phases.

Having managed organizations ranging in size from a 3-person start-up to a 400-person business, Johannes drives revenue and scales fast growing organizations of all sizes. With his German half he executes efficiently with a highly analytical approach, and with his California half he innovates pragmatic solutions.

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Don Hogle
Consulting Partners

Don is an independent brand and communications strategist with broad experience in the positioning and management of brands as a consultant and from both the client and agency sides. He has worked with brands in all stages of development – from start-ups to well-established brands facing inflection points in their evolution.

Recent projects include brand equity assessment and storyline testing for Lending Club, as it evolved from a peer-to-peer platform to including institutional funding, and competitive analysis and positioning exploration for the U.S. subsidiary of a major international bank, exploring the feasibility of an exclusively online offering.

Formerly, Don was Managing Director of Strategy for the New York office of Havas Worldwide, where clients included JPMorgan, Evian, Intel, Glaxosmithkline, Home Shopping Network, the New York Stock Exchange, Silver Spring Networks and Charles Schwab. He was the strategy and messaging architect of Schwab’s breakthrough Talk to Chuck campaign.

Prior to Havas, Don was Global Strategy Director for Citibank at Young and Rubicam. Earlier, as Director of Retail Advertising and Interactive Communications for Chemical Bank and, subsequently, Chase Manhattan, he relaunched both banks’ retail brands following mergers.

His early marketing training was at Booz, Allen Hamilton. He has a BA in Spanish from Washington and Lee University and has done graduate work at NYU’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business.

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Joelle Kaufman
Project Partner

Joelle drives business growth by bringing energy, clarity and focus to accelerate sales and maximize everyone’s contribution through clarity of goal & role with autonomy. An expert facilitator, compelling speaker and enablement master - an actual rock star. As the first graduate from the University of Michigan with an Honors degree in Organizational Studies and a Baker Scholar from the Harvard Business School, Joelle is intentional and passionate about how to create environments where people thrive and businesses grow. Joelle’s 25 years of B2B Technology revenue leadership has resulted in billion-dollar companies, new categories and accelerated revenue growth.

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Chris Keene
Project Partner

Christopher Keene is a scale-out CEO for enterprise software companies. He founded and took public the data analytics company Persistence Software (NASDAQ PRSW). As VP Cloud for VMware, he drove the product/market vision for the $400M spinout of Pivotal. As GM Cloud and Automation for BMC he rebuilt the business by creating the SecOps category. At McKinsey & Company, he led strategy projects in collaboration and IT services. He holds a BS with Honors from Stanford in Mathematical Sciences and an MBA from Wharton.

When he is not immersed in technology, he enjoys open water swimming in the San Francisco Bay, heli skiing and playing steel-string guitars.

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Chris Kocher
Consulting Partners

With over 30 years in Silicon Valley, Chris has extensive strategic and hands-on operating experience helping high-tech companies increase their revenues and company valuations.

In addition to working with Blue Dots, Chris is a founder and managing director of Grey Heron, a venture acceleration consulting company. He has worked with investors, CEOs and executive teams on accelerating growth and revenues at over 100 innovative companies ranging from startups to mature Global 500 companies such as Apple, Cisco, HP, Oracle and Visa.

Prior to Grey Heron, Chris was a VP/GM at Symantec with complete P&L responsibility for a business unit where he doubled revenues. Earlier in his career, he spent 10 years at HP in management roles at several divisions where he helped pioneer HP’s first laser printer, its initial personal computers and early independent software vendor (ISV) programs.

Much of his work has focused on helping companies with breakthrough technologies and platforms translate them into compelling value propositions to achieve rapid adoption in evolving markets including: internet, SAAS, cloud, big data, analytics, on-line video, digital media, ecommerce and adtech.

Chris earned his MBA from Columbia University in marketing and international business and his undergraduate degree at Princeton.

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Chris Neil-Jones
Consulting Partners

Christopher has over 30 years experience managing and advising some of the world’s largest and most innovative solution providers and service organizations. He is Managing Partner at Talent Capital Partners Ltd, a firm based in London and Milan focused on driving revenue growth through sales alignment. TCP’s renowned Value Creation methodology was developed in collaboration with McKinsey & Co and has added over $2 billion of incremental revenue for major account teams from Cisco, IBM, HP, Dell and others.

Christopher’s early career spans 14 years in the European IT Services industry, specializing in Services Marketing and New Business Development. He founded a network of IT service and internet consultancy companies in Italy and France after a career in Digital Equipment Corporation in Milan and Geneva, where he was the youngest Director in DEC Europe and co-authored the award-winning "Marketing For Results" methodology.

Christopher previously headed the European Venture Capital Practice at Spencer Stuart and led the London office of the Global Technology Practice. He continues to provide Executive Search services both through Talent Capital Partners and as the International Partner of Milan-based Villa & Partners Executive Search. His personal search assignments include Country Manager and CEO Europe roles for multinationals like Oracle, NEC, Bull, Pirelli and Gateway and CEO, CFO, CMO, COO, VP and Director roles for public and private companies across Europe.

Fluent in Italian, he has a master’s degree in engineering from the University of Cambridge.

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Steve Plume
Consulting Partners

Steve has spent 30 years working with technology companies in Silicon Valley, evenly split between consulting on strategy and marketing, and executive operational roles. As an executive, he was on the founding teams of Offero (CEO), Accept Software (VP Marketing, CFO) and KACE Networks (VP Marketing). He then joined Dell’s Software Group as a result of Dell’s acquisition of KACE.

Steve consulted for large companies such as Apple, Oracle, Cisco, General Electric, Motorola, and SAP, and hundreds of start-up and growth-stage companies. From an industry perspective, Steve is well-versed enterprise/B2B software, financial technologies as well as medical technologies. His consulting work typically focuses on client-facing activities, including market assessment and segmentation, go-to-market strategies, competitive positioning, client success, and overall business models. Steve has a particular expertise in pricing, dating from working with some of the earliest enterprise vendors to help them convert to recurring revenue models during the dot-com era. He has conducted dozens of pricing projects since then for companies in technology infrastructure, applications, information services, and professional services, in both B2B and B2C industries.

In addition to his consulting practice, Steve is an Executive Fellow of the Center for Digital Strategies at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, and a Consulting Partner for The Entrepreneurs’ Funds, a seed-stage fund focused on applications of cognitive computing.

Steve graduated Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude from Yale University.

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Mike Sayer
Consulting Partners

Mike is a highly experienced global technology executive, having successfully grown businesses in every geographic region across the world. His expertise ranges from early to late stage startups, and public companies, and crosses a broad range of software categories.

Background highlights include running worldwide sales for SupportSoft, an enterprise software company based in the US with a global presence; senior sales leader for the Clarity division of CA, also based in the US with a global presence; and for Niku, an IT Governance software company, again with a global footprint.

Earlier in his career Mike founded the European sales organization for Remedy, building a highly successful pan-EMEA business from the ground up, creating sales teams in the UK, Germany, France, and the Benelux, and doubled Remedy’s EMEA business every year during his tenure.

Mike’s particular expertise is helping build both direct and channel led software and services sales teams, for both on-premise and SaaS business models. Drawing on his wealth of experience and proven results, Mike provides guidance on sales strategy, sales organizational design, sales process re-engineering, and compensation planning, while contributing interim leadership, management, and mentoring.

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Les Schmidt
Consulting Partners

Les is a serial entrepreneur and leader with first-hand experience developing and growing enterprises. As a C-level executive he scaled several companies from early-stage through successful exits. He led two companies to their Initial Public Offering: The Learning Company as COO and Quokka Sports as CFO. During his career, Les has raised substantial capital (about $270Million in total) from Silicon Valley VCs, public markets and private funds. He was also the COO of the San Francisco 49ers, where he introduced digital technologies into the coaching process, which were licensed to six other NFL teams. Les’ expertise is leading business transformations to accelerate growth via new directions, products, capabilities, and business models. He specializes in strategy and execution to create product-market alignment and accurate financial planning and forecasting.

Les is the former Executive Director of the Institute of Entrepreneurial Leadership (IEL), a business accelerator affiliated with John F. Kennedy University. Participating companies collectively generated $1.7Billion in revenue in 2015 and employed over 4,000 people.

Les served as a member and Chair of the Board of Trustees of Golden Gate University, earning the “Most Admired” Chair award for his work. He has also participated as a mentor in the AT&T Operation Hand Salute program for Veterans, aiding service-disabled military veterans in the development of their enterprises.

Les earned his BA from Antioch College in Yellow Springs Ohio and went on to earn an MS in Taxation from Golden Gate University, his CPA (California) and a Certificate of Accounting from UC Berkeley.

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Ian Sugarbroad
Consulting Partners

Ian is an experienced Serial Entrepreneur as well as having been a Global Telecom Senior Executive earlier in his 40-year career.

Since 1998 Ian has managed three successful exits of venture backed start-ups as either CEO or COO, two in the Silicon Valley (interWave and LGC Wireless) and one in Cambridge, UK (ZinWave).

Prior to 1998 Ian was a senior executive at Nortel Networks where he was one of a small founder group of executives who built Nortel’s Wireless Group from scratch to a $4.5B business in 10 years. As part of his responsibilities there Ian ran global business planning, strategic investment in VC start-ups and long- term investment in emerging technologies.

Ian's strong strategic and technology skills coupled with his extensive international experience allow him to build an organization with tactical alignment to common objectives, enabling a rapid transition from a start-up's early revenue to strong revenue growth and profitability in multiple markets.

Ian has an MBA and an MS in Physics from Western University, Canada and a BS in Physics from the University of London, England.

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Steve Tobak
Consulting Partners

Steve is a veteran of Silicon Valley, having spent more than 25 years as a strategy consultant and senior executive for several publicly traded companies and high-tech startups. He ran global marketing for Rambus, National Semiconductor and Cyrix, and led marketing and sales for two startups that achieved successful IPOs, Tessera and Stac.

As a strategic advisor, Steve’s expertize is in corporate positioning, marketing and product strategy, business growth, organizational performance and scalability. A born troubleshooter, he excels at helping CEOs and their leadership teams determine what’s limiting their success and develop innovative strategies to unlock sustainable growth.

In addition to his consulting practice, Steve spent 10 years as an opinion columnist with Fox Business, Fortune, Entrepreneur and CBS MoneyWatch. He is the author of Real Leaders Don’t Follow, published in 2015 by Entrepreneur Press, and a widely recognized authority on the intersection of leadership, technology and culture.

Steve started out as a semiconductor design engineer with Texas Instruments more than 35 years ago. He grew up in Brooklyn and holds an MS in electrical engineering and a BS in physics from Stony Brook University in New York.

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Steve Weiss
Project Partner

Steve Weiss is co-founder of Grey Heron, a management and strategic marketing consulting firm. Steve’s firm has helped executives and investors build value at over 140 companies, focusing on strategy, positioning, fundraising and strategic partnerships; primary fields include energy and resource efficiency, cleantech, the Internet of Things, cloud/SaaS software, and advanced materials. He has helped build sector leaders including Genomatica (industrial biotech) and Serious Energy (green building materials); raise many hundreds of millions; realize IPOs or acquisitions; and turnaround a public company. He has also held research, development and marketing leadership roles at IBM, HP, and multiple startups.

Steve went to MIT, earning a Masters and Bachelors in Computer Science.


The A4 Precision Alignment™ breakthrough approach identifies precisely what stands in the way of faster growth. It isolates each issue that must be solved and gives CEOs, GMs, and teams specific and practical direction to craft growth strategies and playbooks.

Blue Dots created A4 Precision Alignment™ to fill a surprising and critical gap. Despite thousands of business books authored by academics, theoreticians, consultants, and successful operating execs, there has never been a framework that is simultaneously comprehensive yet simple to use; strategic and tactical; and universal to create growth plans unique to each business.

At Blue Dots, we approached the challenge by compiling the collective learning of our team of successful business leaders. Then we distilled that knowledge to understand the common set of factors that led to success and failure under a wide range of conditions and challenges. We discovered the one overarching factor on which growth depends: alignment. The “A” in our A4 Precision Alignment™ methodology. Whenever a business is not well-aligned with its market and customers, growth suffers. Ultimately the company becomes irrelevant or dies. In contrast, perfect alignment leads to significant and prolonged growth.

The A4 framework is built on four sets of critical alignment factors. A4 provides a process in which business teams collect the right data, answer essential questions, and utilize a suite of analytical tools to pinpoint each customer-facing or internal misalignment. That analysis feeds directly into designing winning strategies and playbooks that serve as a detailed operating plan.

  • Six things combine to make A4 both unique and extremely powerful:
    1. Universal: applies to any business, in any market.
    2. Flexible: it incorporates factors that make your business distinct.
    3. Sensible: any can use it with confidence.
    4. Accurate: Fact-based, precise and reliable.
    5. Practical: playbooks clearly map detailed implementation.
    6. Proven: Across a broad range of businesses and divergent challenges.


Clients in multiple sectors and markets have significantly ramped their revenue growth after working with Blue Dots to apply the A4 Precision Alignment™ methodology and playbooks. Among the typical challenges and successes:

  1. A multinational tech company’s growth in North America lagged behind other regions.

    By combining rigorous analysis of sales, customer, and financial data, plus extensive customer interviews, Blue Dots surfaced A1, A2, and A3 misalignments that limited growth and created excessive churn. Blue Dots redefined the ICP (Ideal Customer Profile), uplifted the targeted deal size, and restructured sales compensation. Within a quarter of implementation, North America achieved sustained revenue growth that surpassed the other regions and the sales team closed the company’s first seven-figure deal.

  2. An established multinational software company needed to unify two separate product lines, legacy and SaaS, as a cohesive offering that would facilitate sales efforts to increase the footprint in the installed base and sell a broader portfolio to prospects.

    Blue Dots researched and mapped current and desired target customers and sales efforts relative to the products. Then, to achieve A1 and A2 alignment, Blue Dots repositioned the company to integrate the full product line into a new marketing platform and message. The company was recognized broadly for its extensive product portfolio and for its leadership solutions in areas critical to their target customers. The company expanded its installed base presence, constrained churn, and sold more products to new customers.Blue Dots researched and mapped current and desired target customers and sales efforts relative to the products. Then, to achieve A1 and A2 alignment, Blue Dots repositioned the company to integrate the full product line into a new marketing platform and message. The company was recognized broadly for its extensive product portfolio and for its leadership solutions in areas critical to their target customers. The company expanded its installed base presence, constrained churn, and sold more products to new customers.

  3. An e-commerce provider with a revolutionary and proven platform and proposition wanted to accelerate growth by attracting large global consumer product manufacturers.

    Blue Dots found A3 (sales friction) misalignments relative to the new target customer. The solution incorporated a new sales process from lead generation through post-deal customer success, as well as an improved pricing strategy. One year after implementing the playbook, the client closed multiple, large target accounts and more than doubled revenue.

  4. A large global leader offering information services to financial institutions was growing at a good pace but wanted to triple the growth rate.

    Blue Dots performed deep analysis of sales data, financial results, customers and lost customers, product performance, and internal organizations and processes. Working with the executive team, Blue Dots crafted a series of sales, marketing, product and organization strategies and programs to achieve A1, A2, A3, and internal alignment. The Blue Dots team also worked within the client to implement those programs. Growth tripled and higher growth rates have been sustained for multiple years.

  5. A consumer software company with tens of millions of customers wanted to transition a greater proportion of those customers from the free product to the fee version. Blue Dots was hired to determine whether the transition was feasible and, if so, what business model and marketing programs the company should pursue.

    Blue Dots dived into a project that spanned all four alignment axes. We analyzed the client’s history with over 20 million customers; researched and segmented the global and regional markets and competition; surveyed customers regarding their usage and attitudes; recommended new product and pricing structures; and developed and evaluated alternative business model approaches. The client adopted and successfully implemented a plan that converted a greater proportion of customers at a lower churn rate, resulting in revenue increasing from under 10% per year to over 30%.

  6. A well-established consumer services business focused on the U.S. feared that market forces and competition could eventually upend the core business. The client hired Blue Dots to assess the risks and to develop an alternate strategy or business that could be rapidly established.

    Blue Dots analyzed data and trends regarding the customer base, business model, market, competition, and financial results. Misalignments identified across multiple A4 axes confirmed the client’s assessment that the future was cloudy and that there was urgent pressure to create a new business approach.

    Blue Dots identified an alternative product and pricing structure, business model, and A3 go-to-market that leveraged indirect channels. We provided a business development executive to lead and implement the transition to the channel-focused business. The first full year following the transformation, the client’s business grew by over 30%, with double-digit growth continuing the following year.

  7. A B2B company based in western Europe built a successful business with sales throughout most of Europe and Latin America. They wanted to enter the U.S. market with the same offering and quickly grow a sizable business. Blue Dots was retained to develop the U.S. entry strategy, create an operating plan, build the organization, and run operations for the initial period.

    After analyzing the established, non-U.S. business as well as the requirements to succeed in the U.S., Blue Dots concluded that entering the U.S. market with the existing product offering and business model would create unmanageable risk. Although creating and managing the client’s U.S. business would have been an exciting and lucrative opportunity for Blue Dots, our firm is steadfast in its commitment to honesty and transparency. So, rather than recommending market entry, Blue Dots provided direction in terms of product and business changes that form the prerequisites to U.S. entry.



We worked with Blue Dots exploring how to best expand our revenue beyond our core markets. The team we worked with did a careful analysis of how to frame and segment the market and a deep study of the competitive landscape in these new markets. Their objective and data-driven advice helped us make some strategic decision that positively impacted the growth of our business.

Marco Landi

President of The Digital Box


The Growth Challenge program offered by ACG Silicon Valley was terrific! As a rapidly growing enterprise software company we constantly are looking to gain greater insights into market leadership, positioning and go-to-market strategies. The Blue Dots Partners were knowledgeable, creative, and a very experienced team. The A4 Precision Alignment™ framework they use is really well done. I can't thank ACGSV enough for the support and the Growth Challenge session.

Andy Duncan

CEO of Boardwalktech, Inc.


Blue Dots helped us align our market message. Their methodology was based on detailed customer interviews and data analysis that revealed important attributes about our business, which our joint team leveraged to strengthen Daitan’s positioning. As a result, our growth rate significantly improved the year following and continues to do so today.

Augusto Cavalcanti

CEO of Daitan Group


We hired Blue Dots to figure out how we could grow Nearsoft faster. The Blue Dots team looked at patterns in customer data and conducted some deep customer interviews. As a result, Blue Dots figured out a segmentation of our customers with different pains that we were able to match with the right set of offerings. This helped us grow the business and successfully sell Nearsoft.

Roberto Martinez

CEO of Nearsoft


We hired Blue Dots twice. Initially, they assessed if the market we were pursuing would limit our revenue growth and then to precisely define our ICP (Ideal Customer Profile). Their alignment recommendations were based on deep data analysis and were critical in helping us successfully implement our go-to-market strategy. We have been growing at record growth rates since then.

Jack Welde

CEO of Smartling, Inc.


Blue Dots approach to revenue acceleration was based on a deep and complex data analysis of millions of customers who enjoy our services. I was impressed by their rigorous data-driven and honest approach. Their work helped us better understand segmentation across various user clusters related to Blue Dots fourth axis of alignment.

Gabriele Ottino

CEO of Doodle AG


We engaged Blue Dots to help us rethink our sales structure in the face of a rapidly changing industry. Blue Dots has become a core resource for CreditSights, helping us design and implement a series of highly successful growth initiatives that have more than doubled our top-line growth rate in 2018. Their people coupled with their data-driven methodologies have made a major impact on all aspects of our business. I highly recommend them to any CEO who is committed to accelerating revenue growth.

Peter Petas

CEO of CreditSights, Inc.


We enthusiastically hired Blue Dots to help align our sales & marketing efforts with our vision and execution. Thanks to a rigorous data analysis, they were able to come with a clear definition of the Pain we address and our unique Claim. Their work has produced some real positive impact on our entire sales approach and as a result, we have observed tremendous traction in new customer acquisition.

Nicolas Stehle

CEO of Scalefast, Inc.


Blue Dots helped us with their proprietary methodology focused on their A3 alignment axis. They recommended a re-tooling of our business model, moving from directly charging our consumers to leveraging a set of strategic partners. They helped with the execution and as a result helped generate a more cost-effective and significant revenue stream.

David Stewart

CEO of 1StopMove, Inc.


Blue Dots was instrumental in better positioning our offering and articulating our messaging. Their work, based on the analysis of a number of deep one-on-one interviews they conducted, was of high quality. As a result, we were able to better align our messaging with our target markets.

Swamy Viswanathan

Chief Product Officer of ASG Technologies, Inc.


Blue Dots helped us with our go-to-market strategy and sales process. They spoke to all our current customers, analyzed our pipeline and made some important suggestions and helped us improve our lead prosecution and sales process.

Michael Barrett

Co-founder and former CEO of Cequence Security, Inc.


We hired Blue Dots to leverage their alignment methodology, as we are experiencing a phase of tremendous growth in our business on the path to $1 billion in revenue. The process was very well managed and efficient. The Blue Dots team delivered a concrete, actionable and pragmatic set of recommendations that were eye-opening and very much helpful to me and my management team.

Alain Harrus

CEO of Kateeva, Inc.

Praise for Aligning the Dots

Engaging, profound and thought-provoking, Philippe Bouissou is so passionate about relating strategy to growth to execution. Aligning the Dots illustrates the science he is bringing to these relationships.


CEO of Logitech

“A captivating read introducing new principles for successfully growing any company.”


Founder and former CEO of Crate and Barrel

Transformative and brilliantly constructed. Aligning the Dots is an extraordinary journey into the world of top-line growth. The stories are captivating, the methodology is insightful and the results impressive. I wish I had read this book decades ago. I highly recommend it.


Board member at Verizon and Nordstrom, former CEO of MetricStream

“Philippe Bouissou provides a powerful and inspiring roadmap for accelerating the growth of your business. His alignment framework will help countless companies and leaders. Truly worth reading and applying!”


Executive Chairman and former CEO of Best Buy

”Bouissou is one of the smartest guys in the Valley. His groundbreaking framework to understand and drive GROWTH will produce supercharged results.


President and CEO of Glacier Bancorp

“The growth methodology introduced in Aligning the Dots is a concise yet powerful way to drive growth by aligning your business’ products and services to address customers’ pain points and delight them. Very insightful and pragmatic book by Dr. Bouissou.”


CEO of Cadence Design Systems, Chairman of Walden International

“Bouissou’s background as a successful entrepreneur, first-class investor and theoretical physicist enabled him to come up with a powerful methodology for growth. To be read and applied by any CEO, General Manager or business owner.”


Founder and CEO of C4 Ventures, former General Manager of Apple Europe

“In Aligning the Dots, Philippe Bouissou reveals a data-driven approach to solving the revenue growth problem. The unconventional concepts in this book will show you how to align your company and achieve unprecedented growth.”


Founder of Webb Investment Network, board member at Salesforce and Visa, former Chairman of Yahoo

Aligning the Dots offers a new systematic methodology for optimizing resource allocation towards long-term profitable growth. Philippe Bouissou’s engaging style uses a combination of personal anecdotes, scientific analogies and relevant case studies to convey his message of alignment. While the target audience cuts across the broad business community, I find the methodology to be most directly relevant to young technology startups who have very little margin for error in their business model.”


Founder and General Partner, Benhamou Global Ventures, former Chairman and CEO of 3Com

“Every executive intuitively knows the importance of aligning what a company sells with what its customers want, but few executives actually know how to do it right. In his smart, new book—Aligning the Dots—business growth expert Philippe Bouissou presents a simple, but powerful framework for building alignment along four critical business axes. No matter what size your business or what industry you’re in, Aligning the Dots is the playbook you need to spark revenue growth right now—and well into the future.”


The Leadership Guy, Inc. Magazine

Aligning the Dots offers a precise, logical way to understand how the fundamental drivers of business work, and how to align your company with them for long-term success. It’s the rare book that combines a comprehensive science of how business works with dozens of practical tips that any leader can apply.”


Co-author of Blitzscaling

“I’ve seen so many businesses struggle as vision and expectations of entrepreneurs and company operators are out of sync with the customer or the marketplace. Aligning the Dots provides an articulate, pragmatic and innovative framework for solving these misalignments. It is a resource that can and should be referenced repeatedly to help pressure test strategy and plans for the competitive edge that derives from precision alignment.”


Former President and CEO, Rodan + Fields

“Genius often creates out-of-the-box thinking. Aligning the Dots makes you think differently and that makes it powerful. Any business should understand and use these concepts.”


Former CEO of Atari and Chuck E Cheese

Aligning the Dots is essential for CEOs to grow their business. It’s a brutal reminder to measure relative market share and align your business plans based on it, lest perish. Philippe offers compelling examples from which to learn.”


Managing Partner, Greatpoint Ventures, former President, Oracle Corporation

Aligning the Dots provides powerful rules and principles for growth: understand what market you want to go after, obsessively align your offering to that market and make sure your stakeholders are also aligned internally behind a purpose and a strong set of values. As a former CEO of a global brand, now backing startups in seed stage, I totally connected with the content of the book. It is truly an inspiring read for all who are motivated to grow their business.”


Founder of Fab Ventures, former CEO and President, Lancôme International (L’Oréal)

“Philippe Bouissou’s methodology of external alignment on four axes, coupled with internal alignment, for me, is unique, transformative and consequential. It will be recognized as such in the world of business literature similarly to Michael Porter’s book, Competitive Strategy. I would advise any business leader, CEO, entrepreneur, business owner, board member or investor to read it and learn from it.”


President and CEO of Central Pacific Bank, former Chairman and CEO of Silicon Valley Bank

“While Aligning the Dots won’t make it magically easy, Bouissou’s A4 Precision Alignment™ methodology and compelling case studies will help you avoid the critical misalignments that keep many companies from achieving their full growth potential.”


CEO of ACG (Association for Corporate Growth) Silicon Valley

“An insightful and valuable read. Leaders from the boardroom right down who are committed to growth will benefit immensely from the powerful approach and pragmatic suggestions made throughout this book.”


Board member at ServiceNow, Symantec, Pure Storage and ThoughtWorks

Pages from Aligning the Dots

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