Blue Dots Partners

Philippe Bouissou

Philippe Bouissou

With 25 years of experience in Silicon Valley, Philippe has held CEO and executive positions in several companies. As a Venture Capitalist, he successfully invested $43M and generated double-digit IRR. He led dozens of management-consulting projects and served on the board of 14 companies.

Prior to Blue Dots, Philippe co-founded and was Executive Chairman of evenVoice, a mobile real-time consumer empowerment company and Executive Board Member of Pave, a peer-to-peer funding platform for Millenniums.

For over half a decade, Philippe co-managed the Milestone Group, a management consulting firm serving over 220 Clients. Before Milestone, Philippe was General Partner for seven years with two venture capital firms: Allegis Capital ($500M under management) and Ventech ($200M under management). Prior to being a Venture Capitalist, Philippe created and was Director of the Worldwide Internet Commerce group at Apple where he founded and managed the online Apple Store and grew its revenue from zero to $350M. Before joining Apple, Philippe was Senior VP at Matra Hachette Multimedia, where he led US business development for electronic publishing for the $12 billion, high-tech and diversified media company. He previously founded and was the CEO of G2i, Inc. a Unix software company that was later acquired by Matra.

Philippe graduated from Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris and holds a Bachelor Degree in Mathematics, a Master degree in Physics and a Ph.D. in chaos theory.

Posts by Philippe Bouissou

The two types of businesses

Like personalities, I believe there are two different types of businesses…


The zabulous story of Zappos

In 1998, Nick Swinmurn was frustrated because he could not put his hands on…


How to execute a solid internal alignment?

While the four axes of external alignment in our A4 Precision Alignment™ methodology are the keys of the puzzle to optimize the growth rate…


The three laws of business

Like thermodynamics that is governed by three main laws, most businesses have to follow three laws as well…


The anatomy of growth

A few weeks ago, a woman in park was asking me: how old is your dog? I answered tongue-in-cheek “35 years…”


So, tell me: why I should buy?

Over the past three decades, I have met over 2,600 CEOs. For a long time, I used to ask them the same question…