Blue Dots Partners

John Orcutt

John Orcutt

John has led Silicon Valley technology start-ups and business units in major corporations for 30 years.

John has been CEO of three software start-ups including Actional (Progress Software) which grew to over 100 Global 2000 customers and became the market leader for Services Oriented Architecture management. He was also CEO at Consensys Software (Augeo) and established the Professional Services Automation market. Most recently, John was CEO of Pie Digital which developed connected home and Internet of Things solutions for service providers and Consumers. Previously, at Hewlett-Packard, John was VP and General Manager of the Managed Home business unit. John’s team pioneered a range of leading edge consumer devices, including networked TVs and home media servers, as well as content and services for the digital home. Earlier John led marketing at Talking Blocks, which was acquired by Hewlett-Packard. He also spent several years as a Venture Partner with BlueStream Ventures, an infrastructure-focused Venture Capital firm. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, John was President of three Convergent Technologies subsidiaries and later became VP/GM for the Distributed Systems division at Unisys following its acquisition of Convergent. John started his carrier as consumer products brand manager at the Clorox Company and General Mills.

John earned his MBA from Stanford University and his undergraduate degree in Stanford’s Economics Honors program.

Posts by John Orcutt

Precision alignment: sticking the landing

Many start-ups and established organizations have figured out how to effectively launch new products and services. However, managing for growth…


The revolving IoT Door

Every now and then, someone throws cold water onto the hot hype of IoT. This time, it is Alphabet – Google – Nest delivering the chill…


Can you find an IoT pot of gold?

Is there a way for tech companies to make money now in the Internet of Things, where connected products are creating the first true discontinuity in the organization of…


The connected car: Fast…and a little furious

Cars are rapidly becoming vehicles for mobile information, commerce, and on-demand entertainment. Gartner predicts more than 250 million connected cars will be on the road in the next four years…


Selfie conscious

With mobile payments expected to reach US $620 billion this year, transaction security is more important than ever. Device manufacturers, platform players, and financial services companies…


Go green… Evergreen: the enduring company structure alternative

Many of us have been fortunate to live the dream of the “Valley” success story of an IPO or big acquisition. The path to one of those targeted exits is…